Thursday, January 8, 2009

Hiking Safety

Hiking is fun and great exercise, but it can be dangerous if not taken seriously.  My husband and I went hiking at Treman State Park last June.  We decided to hike the Gorge Trail because it follows the edge of the gorge - great for picture taking.  After walking for about a half hour, we stopped for a short break. While I was taking pictures, Brad was stung by a bee.  Unfortunately, he is highly allergic to bee stings.  Luckily we got back to the car in time so he could administer an epinephrine shot.  I can't stress enough how important it is to be safe when hiking.  We should have been hiking an epinephrine shot in our backpack.  

I listed a few tips I find helpful when hiking around Ithaca in the summer. 
~If you are hiking in a new area, make sure you hike 
during daylight and with a map.
~Pack a backpack with medical supplies (in our case an epinephrine shot), water and healthy snacks.  
~Make sure you hike with water and not sugar drinks
like soda and juice.  
~You should drink 1/2 to 1 cup of water every 30 - 45
~Depending on how long you decide to hike - pack 
healthy snacks like dried fruit, nuts and veggies.
~Wear layers of clothing so you are able to adjust to 
spikes and drops in temperature.

Learn more about responsible hiking at tread lightly

For more safety hiking tips visit the Hiking Dude

1 comment:

  1. Hey Chitchat Cat! I LOVE hiking!! I am trying to become a 46 high peaker! Although I have only crossed about four off the list... HAHA. But I really enjoyed your blog thus far, some really ensightful and useful tips! I feel very luck to not have to stress about being stung, but bring up some great points about safety. I never really thought about whether or not the people I am hiking and camping with have issues relating to that. So thanks for making me think and be more aware. I am new(ish) to Ithaca so I am excited for this spring and summer to get some quality hikes in. Perhaps you can offer some insight sometime!
    Great blog, looking forward to another post.
    T :)
